
Lots of news today. Firstly, I’ve did a great interview with Rosie Amber yesterday, and today she’s posted her review of Reckless Rebellion. Pop on over and say Hi, and join in the discussion! AND Check out the Space Opera Promo over at Jonathan...

SFR Brigade Presents #9 – Home

Today’s SFR Brigade Presents excerpt is from Reckless Rebellion, second in the barren planet romance series. This is from the first chapter, as Marlee and Tyris arrive back on Tyris’s home world. Such a good moment, when it seems like all their problems...

Indie Life – The Benefits of Writing a Series

Today I’m participating in Indie Life, a feature run by Indelibles. Basically, everyone posts about something related to indie publishing, and visits everyone else. To see who else is involved, check out the linky list. Since releasing my new book, Reckless...

What Sci-Fi has to Offer Romance

Today I’m over at Coffee Time Romance, talking about what sci-fi has to offer romance. Come on over and check it out, and check out the posts by many other sci-fi romance writers as well!

SFR Brigade Presents #8 – A Warm Welcome

Well, I’m already bored of giving excerpts from Reckless Rebellion in order, so I’m skipping ahead a bit. (If you want to read in order, you can read the sample chapters here.) This is one of my favourite scenes, when Tyris’s ship first arrives back...