Q is for Questions

What place do questions have in novels? I’m not talking about the questions characters ask each other, but rather, the ones they ask themselves. After all, aren’t many of our internal thoughts questions? Will I get home before it rains? Can I afford...

O is for Over it.

Not the A to Z challenge this time, but editing. I reach this point several times during a novel/edit, once early on, at around 20,000 words, when I’m past the opening scenes, and the enthusiasm that comes with starting a new story, and then again around the...

E is for Editors

Hiring an editor is one of those hot topics in self-publishing. Something no one should do without. It has even been said recently, on one popular blog, that if you can’t afford to hire an editor, then you shouldn’t be self-publishing. I agree that editors...

The Challenge of Naming Spaceships

Reckless Rescue is so close to being ready to publish I can taste it! I’m aiming to have it out by Valentine’s Day! I’m just going through the last of my readers comments, and one suggestion was to come up with names for the two spaceships that are...

Release Date Revisions

Well the time has come to admit that there is no way I can get this novel ready to release in November. When I first set the date, it was with the idea that if I didn’t set a date, it would never happen. And that has worked. I am far closer to having this book...