Editing 101 – Part 6 – Proofreading

And today, we come to the final step in the editing journey. You’ve checked your main ideas, made sure all your scenes are relevant to the theme and your character’s journey, checked for extraneous words, and made sure that you are showing, not telling....

Editing 101 – Part 5 – Line Editing

Ready for proofreading? Well, we’re not quite there yet. First, we need to read over the story for things that don’t make sense, places where your characters change. While editing, I discovered that in one scene, Marlee noted that Tyris’s cheeks were...

To Do or not To Do? NaNo that is.

If you haven’t heard of NaNoWriMo, then it’s worth checking out. Each year, thousands of participants flock to the webpage, to join in the trials and triumphs of writing a 50,000 word novel in a single month. Some will complete the month with a crazy,...

How Motherhood Taught Me to Accept Critiques

When I was pregnant, I read a lot of books about parenting. I’d settled on the attachment parenting model, and read everything I could get my hands on. But still, nothing prepared me for the reality. When my daughter was a baby and toddler (she’s 8 now,...