Who’s Hoping for a Dragon for Christmas?

I can't believe November is nearly over! I wish it would slow down, because I'm still trying to get Dragon Hopes ready for it's release in a little over a week. Eeek!I love Christmas though, and I'm excited that it's close. To celebrate, I've dressed my two Christmas...

Choosing the Dragon is Available for Preoder Now!

Yes, I know the date is a while away, but it will be out before then! I just need some breathing room in case there's a hickup along the way. This book is almost ready to go though, just needs one final edit, then it will be available! This one is a little more...

Return of the Dragons Box Sets!

My Return of the Dragons series is now up to nine books! I know it can be pretty intimidating to start a long series, so I've bundled up most of the books into two box sets. Return of the Dragons Books 1-3 contains two long prince stories, and one shorter shifter...

New Release: Resisting the Dragon

Oops, a few days late. Sorry, I've been frantically trying to finish Dragon Waves for its September 4th release date, so updates were on hold. But I'm back now! Resisting the Dragon is out now! Catch up with Calrian and Rylee! Its free to read in Kindle Unlimited!...