Been Busy Editing…

Sorry for the lack of posts. I’ve been head down going through the edits for Reckless Rebellion! Will be back soon.

Reckless Rebellion – Getting Close!

Last week, I sent Reckless Rebellion off the editors. I’ve polished and polished this book, and now there’s just the grammar to check. Hopefully (fingers crossed!) the edits will be relatively easy once it arrives back. My aim is to have the edits done by...


I sent Reckless Rebellion off to the editor this morning! Wow, what a freeing feeling. So many things to catch up on now. Some cleaning, some sewing with my daughter, cooking, maybe even read some of the books that have been piling up on my iPad! Normal blogging will...

Blogging Break

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I’m taking a few days off to do a quick re-read of Reckless Rebellion before I send it off to the editors. Regularly scheduled blogging will return soon!

A Reckless Rebellion Update

If you’re on my Facebook page or Twitter, you probably already heard that I finally wrote ‘The End’ on Reckless Rebellion! If you’re a writer, you probably  know that that’s just the start of the books journey! I don’t know if...