Setting Priorities

For the last week or two, I’ve been struggling to get much done. Some of this is due to other things that are happening, but a lot is also due to having quite a list of things that need to be done, and no clear priorities. Sometimes, I have the idea that I can...

Shelfari – Why You Should Join

I’d heard of Shelfari, and what I’d heard wasn’t good. It was second rate to GoodReads, and since it was owned by Amazon, not many people bothered with it, so I hadn’t even bothered to look at it. Then a chance mention on a writing forum made...

Indie Life – Getting Paid

Today I’m participating in Indie Life, a feature run by Indelibles. Basically, everyone posts about something related to indie publishing, and visits everyone else. To see who else is involved, check out the linky list. Well, it’s official. I’m an...

What A Day!

No real post today, since I spent all day getting an EIN to stop Amazon withholding 30% of my royalties, and sending the required forms to Amazon. As an author, if you haven’t already done this, you should! Following these instructions on Catherine Caffeinated,...

The Evolution of Self-Publishing

I stared writing with my first NaNoWriMo in 2006. Back then, traditional publishing still held sway. I had a friend who had self-published her books, so there were a few pioneers out there, but the only option was print on demand, there were no ebooks. None of the...