SFR Brigade Presents #2 – Reckless Rebellion

This week I’m joining in with SFR (Science Fiction Romance) Brigade Presents, a group of Sci-Fi romance authors who post snippets every Friday. Check them out to discover other cool snippets. Today’s snippet is from near the beginning of Reckless...

SFR Brigade Presents – Reckless Rescue

This week I’m joining in with SFR (Science Fiction Romance) Brigade Presents, a group of Sci-Fi romance authors who post snippets every Friday. Check them out to discover other cool snippets. Today’s snippet is from near the beginning my SFR novel,...

Q is for Questions

What place do questions have in novels? I’m not talking about the questions characters ask each other, but rather, the ones they ask themselves. After all, aren’t many of our internal thoughts questions? Will I get home before it rains? Can I afford...

K is for Kissing

If you’re writing a romance of any description, or even just a story with romantic undertones, chances are there is going to be kissing. And what’s so hard to write about a kiss, you might think. At least it’s not sex, right? Well, surprisingly,...