As 2018 comes to a close, I’m starting to make plans for next year. I have so many books I want to write, it’s hard to keep track if I don’t write them down! I have the Return of the Dragons series to finish (I know all of you are dying to read Ultrima’s story, and it is coming eventually, I promise!), I have the Dragon Island Hideaway series to finish (one more book!), and I have plans for some new series that I’m really excited about.
I’m not sure if I can get them all written, but I’m going to try! I always work on the theory that if you shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars. So even if I don’t write all the books I’m planning, it will be more than if I don’t try!
If you want to check out my release plans, you can visit my upcoming releases page here. Is your favourite series on it?