alphabet-blog-hAuthors seem so far distant from readers. Even in today’s world, where they have blogs, Facebook pages and twitter accounts, it still seems as if they’re apart from everyone else. As though they have all the answers, and can do it all.

But it’s not true. Authors need our help. No matter whether they’re self-published or traditionally published, whether they have one book or twenty, they all could do with a little help now and then.

Want to know how you can help your favourite author? Here’s how.


Nothing is more helpful for selling books than reviews. No matter how many reviews your favourite book has (or doesn’t have), one more will always help. I don’t know about you, but I was always put off writing reviews because I didn’t know what to say. Now I’m making myself just write it. Any review is good, no matter how long or short, how eloquent or simple. Even if all you say was “I loved this book”, it helps.

This article gives some more great tips. Now get out there and write that review!


The truth is, more sales are made by word of mouth than any other means. If you’ve enjoyed a book, help out the author by sharing it, on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, or wherever else you talk about books. And help out your friends at the same time by introducing them to a good book.


If a book has really touched you, one of the best things you can do is tell the author. Even better than a review or sharing, an author loves to hear that their work has been enjoyed. Because that’s why most of us write. It’s not about the money, or the fame, it’s about sharing a story that we love with someone else.

Most authors are approachable, and would love to hear from you. Take the chance, give it a go.

Do you have a favourite author? Have you done any of these things to help them out? Do you think authors are more approachable than they used to be?

All this month I’m participating in the A-Z blogging challenge, writing a blog post for each letter of the alphabet, on every day of the month except Sundays. Check back regularly to see what else I have in store for you.