10 Tips for Preparing for NaNoWriMo

I’ve seen quite a few of these “preparing” for NaNoWriMo posts around lately. I’m loving reading everyone else’s suggestions, so I thought I’d write some of my own. Not all of these suggestions will be useful for everyone (for...

4 Suggestions for Dealing with Plot Holes

We all know that feeling. You’re part way through your draft, or even maybe into your edit, when you realise something horrible, awful, terrible. You have no explanation for why the evil baddy is determined to exterminate your character from the face of the...

Are You Planning to do NaNoWriMo this Year?

Sorry, missed yesterday’s SFR Brigade Presents post, because I was at my sister’s working on the cover for Reckless Recon. We’re making progress, but it’s not quite ready to show off yet. Hopefully in the next week or two! Today though,...

Fantasy Friday – A Dirty Job

I’ve signed up for Camp NaNo again, with a 20k goal this time. I’m writing my twin story, Twin Curse, and I’m already halfway to my goal due to my getting up early and banning Facebook policy. So it was an easy choice for today’s excerpt. This...

C is for Camp NaNoWriMo

As if the A to Z challenge wasn’t challenging enough, this month I’m also doing Camp NaNoWriMo. Anyone who is a writer has probably heard of NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month. If you haven’t, it’s kind of like the A to Z challenge,...