
Lots of news today. Firstly, I’ve did a great interview with Rosie Amber yesterday, and today she’s posted her review of Reckless Rebellion. Pop on over and say Hi, and join in the discussion! AND Check out the Space Opera Promo over at Jonathan...

Lots of Updates!

Wow, it’s been a busy week! Releasing Reckless Rebellion, and running a free promo on Reckless Rescue in the same three days meant I was REALLY busy. But it also worked really well. I had a lot of downloads of Reckless Rescue over the three days, and the sales...

SFR Brigade Presents #3 – A Letter

Today’s SFR (Science Fiction Romance) Brigade Presents snippet is from near the beginning of Reckless Rescue. No prior information needed for this one I don’t think. SFR Brigade Presents are a snippets from a group of Sci-Fi Romance authors. Check them out...