Sorry I’ve been kind of absent lately, both here on my blog, and on Twitter and Facebook. Instead I’ve been focusing on Reckless Rescue. I’ve known I was close to the finish for several daywriting editing through these last few chapters has really taken a lot of energy.

I wanted to make sure that I tied up all the points that I’d started throughout the beginning and middle, and most importantly, I wanted to be sure the ending was satisfying. The solutions to their problems couldn’t come too easily for Tyris and Marlee. They needed to overcome their own personal fears, and really work for their happily every after.

Today, I think I managed that. After about three months on this revision (which involved a major rewrite, and adding in at least 30,000 new words), today I finally hit the end.

Does this mean it’s done? Uh, no. I plan to take a few well earned days off, then start editing and polishing. As I go, I plan to do a series of posts on my editing process, sharing links and books that I’ve found helpful. And tomorrow, I’ll be posting another excerpt from Reckless Rescue for Six Sentence Sunday. See you then!