Sorry for going all MIA in April. I was busy finishing off the rough draft of Reckless Recon!

2014-Winner-Vertical-BannerI signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo with a goal of 30,000 words, and not only did I meet my goal, but I also hit the end of the novel!

Sadly, it still has a bit of work to go. I’ve sent it off to my sister for a read thorough, and she’s already come back with lots of changes. Then it goes to the editor mid May, for two passes (one for story/continuity, then a line edit), then hubby will do my proofread.

At this stage, I’m hoping it will be out early June. I’d love to have it all to you sooner, but I also want to give you the best book I can write, so I’m going to be working hard for the next month!

I’ll be trying to update my blog a little more frequently this month, but in case I get lost and don’t, like my Facebook page for more frequent updates, or if you want to be notified as soon as Reckless Recon is available, sign up to my mailing list!