Yep, I missed  yesterday’s NaNo update post. Things are still a little… crazy… around here. And of course, this means I’m so behind for NaNo.

I managed to make my wordcount the first day, in fact, I hit 2,000 words through word sprints (setting the timer for 15 minutes and writing without stopping). But the story just isn’t flowing, and I think it’s because I need to write this first bit more slowly, taking time to find my character’s voices, and getting them just write. As I get further into the novel, and really know where both the character and story are going, sprints will be great, but right now, they’re just not working.

And I still have too much to do to settle down for a couple of hours uninterrupted writing! I have ONE more chapter of Twin Curse to edit before I send it off to the editor. Should be easy to knock over, shouldn’t it? But it’s the ending, and I know it needs a lot of work. I like my endings to be just right, so I don’t want to rush this last edit, or do it when I’m tired, so I’m going to save it and do it tomorrow, when I’m fresh.

I also need to finish my daughter’s homeschooling report, as it has to be posted by the 5th! I’m part way done, and hopefully I’ll be able to finish up tomorrow.

By then, I’ll be about three days behind in my writing. (Although I may just do a little tonight, but no pressure).

I’m not going to let that get me down though. I’ve been three days behind before, and made it up. If you spread out the missed words throughout the month, it’s not that much extra. And I know I’ll be able to write more effectively once these other tasks are out of the way.

How about you? Are you behind or ahead for NaNoWriMo? When you have several tasks to achieve in a limited time, do you focus on one at a time, or are you able to work on several together?